Why are we on this journey?

Because it is crucial.

Preserving the essence of human work — the freedom to interpret and perform — is not just a choice, it is a necessity. Recognizing and safeguarding that, that is our mission.

Who are we?

This project is the brainchild of Lucía Polinario and Martí Santiago

Our human founders

Bachelor's degree in Business Sciences and Master's in Quantitative Techniques in Business Management, Martí is a specialist in data analysis and market studies. From a young age, he has been a triathlete and swimmer. Even though he is no longer competing, Martí remains a skillful butterfly swimmer. His analytical side knows no bounds, evident in his day-to-day activities such as playing chess, planning events, and repeatedly evaluating the best option about 15 times a day—going out to eat with him is always entertaining as you witness his struggle to choose something from the menu. A cosmopolitan Barcelonian in speech and a naturist in spirit, he enjoys escaping to go hiking or trying out new sports.

Graduated in Law and Criminology, specializing in Compliance, and with experience in Intellectual Property Law. With Cordovan roots and a love for Lorca, Lucía always strives to use her knowledge for good. In her free time, she engages in ornithology (to feel free), philosophy (to ponder what it means to be free), or the visual arts - in fact, she drew these illustrations. A need for continuous learning, a deep-rooted sense of social justice, and a passion for unraveling the intricacies of different languages make her a person with a gaze directed towards society, human relationships, and the common good.

Lucía Polinario

Martí Santiago

*We have asked them to describe each other

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